Day of Prayer

FEBRUARY 15, 2021

Theme for 2021: Lighthouse

Theme Verse: Matthew 5:16

Our prayer is that you will plan to acknowledge those serving in Awana in your local church on February 14th and pray for Awana during your worship service. We would also as that you have people to sign up to pray specifically for Awana throughout the day on the 15th, every half-hour, hourly, etc.

Watch for more information and promotional materials for the International Day of Prayer for Awana 2021 this summer. We encourage you to mark in on your calendar now.

What is the International Day of Prayer?

It is a day designated to pray specifically for Awana® Clubs International, its leadership, the missionaries, the local churches, and families who participate.

Why was February 15th the date selected?

February 15th was selected because its numerical form is 2.15. The name AWANA was originally an acronym which stood for “Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed”. This comes directly from 2 Timothy 2:15.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (KJV)

Using 2.15 as the date brings us back to the foundation upon which Awana® was built.

Why is a Day of Prayer needed?

Ministries and people who seek to reach children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ are often attacked by the enemy (Satan). Prayer is important to help strengthen all involved with Awana, especially now as they begin this new discussion about making resilient disciples and the future of the church.

Where is this event being held?

There is not a gathering scheduled this year as we initiate the Annual Day of Prayer. You may participate and pray in your home, or gather with a group and pray. There will be a Facebook Live event that day at 6:00 pm EST. Join us for this event at

How is this financially supported?

This event if fully funded by Commander Bill. If you would like to make a donation, then please click on the donate button below. Please make a notation that the donation is for the Day of Prayer. 50% of the net of all donations designated for the Day of Prayer will go to Awana to help them spread the Gospel and make resilient disciples. Donations made to Commander Bill (Gunter Family Ministries) are not tax deductible. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to Awana, click here.

Donate to the Commander Bill & Day of Prayer via Paypal
(donations to Commander Bill – Gunter Family Ministries – is not deductible)


Donate to Awana

Awana, along with other children’s ministries, has faced a difficult time during the global pandemic. We encourage you to make a tax deduictiuble donation to Awana by clicking here.

Please let us know if you plan to participate in this day of prayer by completing the contact form and letting us know where (state, country, etc) you will be participating from.You will not be added to an e-mail list.

2021 Promotional Material


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Prayer Guide
2021 International Day of Prayer for Awana Prayer Guide




The International Day of Prayer for Awana® is not affiliated with Awana®.
Awana® is a Registered Trademark of Awana Clubs International.