Introducing T&T Verse Postcards

If you have been involved with Awana for any number of years, then you may have heard about Cubbie Refrigerator Reminders. A sheet of paper with information on it to be placed on the refrigerator to remind parents about the verse and them to be worked on for Cubbies that week.

With the new Mission series of T&T handbooks, it seemed only proper to develop something similar for T&T to help clubbers study throughout the week. Thus the introduction of the T&T Verse Postcard.

The T&T verse postcards were so that they can be printed on regular paper, cardstock, or Avery 5689 postcard paper (4 postcards per sheet). These can be used in several ways:

  • They can be handed to clubbers as they leave so they have a reminder of what verse they should be memorizing for the following week
  • If a clubber misses a week, mail the postcard to their home to keep them connected and so they know they were missed!
  • They can be placed on a mirror, used as a bookmark taken to school, used as a “flashcard”, and more to have something portable for the clubber to carry to help them study the verse for the week.

The verses are broken down into “bite-sized” sections to try to help the child memorize the verse – where possible. Verse cards for an entire unit could be kept together to help the child prepare for the review section at the end of each unit.

Verse cards are currently available in all four versions (KJV, NKJV, NIV84, & ESV) for the Grace in Action and Agents of Grace handbooks.

Supporting members get one-click download of the pdf file, and visitors and participating members have a suggested donation amount for the file.

We hope this resource is an asset to your clubbers as they study God’s Word.