Student leaders can be a real asset to your ministry. This year, I began using 6th graders as student leaders. They have to be progressing through their handbook and they serve one week each month in either Cubbies or Sparks (their choice). It has been a boost to our ministry.
Here is why you should use student leaders:
- Younger children look up to the older children and this gives them a way to be a positive example to the younger children
- They are a part of the Body of Christ and should be given the opportunity to serve
- If we tell the youth that there is no place for them to serve in the church, they are much less likely to serve when they are older
- It teaches them the importance of serving others
- They are hungry to serve, give them a chance
Last spring, I wanted to have youth meet on a different night than Awana. That was met with much resistance. One comment is what would families with younger children and youth do with their older child that night. My thought was that the older youth could have an opportunity to serve in an Awana club. I was actually told by a youth leader (who is also a parent of a youth) that they didn’t think the youth would want to serve in Awana. I was shocked!
God had other plans. The 6th graders serving as student leaders was received very well and due to circumstances that took place in our church a few months into the Awana year, the youth began to assist and run the gametime for Sparks and T&T!!! They were hungry to serve and just needed the opportunity.
Don’t hold them back…..give them the chance to serve and you will see God do great things in and through their lives.
We’re talking about moving our youth group night to a different night and I’m exciting about getting a whole new batch of helpers in the process! I love seeing the older kids serve in Children’s Ministry!
Lindsey @