… you’ve given to me. They are the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:40 (paraphrased)
It’s the Christmas shopping season. Millions of people stood in line across the U.S. to purchase discounted computers, TV’s game systems and all of the several thousand items that were on sale Black Friday. Computers and servers exploded with data as Cyber Monday brought ever increasing sales. People are scrambling to find just the right gift for the people they care about, but then, that is what the season is all about.
I’m not here to comment on that spending, the commercialism, or other aspects. God has blessed the U.S. and we are able to purchase such luxuries.
The final words of Jesus before He ascended to Heaven was to go and make disciples (Matthew 28). I want to challenge you during this Christmas season to think beyond the people close to you. Yes, get them gifts to show you care about them, but think “bigger picture”. What can you do this Christmas season to really have an eternal impact on someone’s life? And not just their life, but the life of a village.
Consider giving the gift of chickens, rabbits, a water buffalo, or a myriad of other items. Through Gospel for Asia, you can provide these items by making a donation which will meet the critical needs of the poorest of the poor in Asia. For a small amount, you can impact their lives for years to come. Here is an excerpt from their web site.
“Tens of thousands of lives are being changed every year among Asia’s poorest of the poor.
People all across the globe are discovering that chickens, goats, rickshaws and camels are impacting peoples lives in amazing ways.
This tangible expression of Christ’s love truly makes a difference. Discover how each unique gift can change a life.”
Read how it impacted one family’s life.
You have an amazing opportunity this year to impact “one of the least of these”. Please pray and consider sending a gift this Christmas. Here is a link to their Christmas Gift Catalog