Bible Quizzing is over for the area I serve, but it is just beginning in other areas. I know that several clubs use the guides that I provide to help them prepare and that is humbling.
I want to make sure that I am providing resources that are useful to you and I am finding that different areas and missionaries quiz on different portions of the T&T handbooks. I want to provide guides that will assist as many clubs as possible without giving some clubs too much information to sort through.
I hear that areas use various parts of the book, like the following:
- Ultimate Adventure Start Zone and Ultimate Adventure Book 1 (Discoveries 1-4)
- Ultimate Adventure Book 2 (Discoveries 1-4)
- Ultimate Challenge Start Zone and Ultimate Challenge Book 1 (Challenges 1-4)
- Ultimate Challenge Book 2 (Challenges 1-4)
- Some areas may quiz on Discoveries/Challenges 5 & 6
- Some may quiz on the Silver sections
Please let me know the following:
- The area you quiz (State, missionary name)
- What portions of the handbooks you quiz
- How to include the “extra” portions that some areas use in quizzing
If you use the quiz, I’d be interested in hearing how your teams did during quizzing and how the guides helped you prepare. You can also post pictures of your quiz teams on!
I look forward to your feedback on the quizzing guides.
Thank you,
Glad to see that your group does some Bible quizzing. Our kids have done Bible quizzing using a different format but our goal is the same, to help kids love taking time hearing from God thru His word. Is the Awana Bible quizzing only for the lower age groups, or does it continue up thru Jr High and High School?
Yes, Awana has a national high school event each year which includes quizzing. The junior high has quizzing regionally. So Awana offers quizzing for 3rd – 12th grades.
I wanted to get some study questions for Challenge book 1 & 2 (Challenges 1-4) and start zone. Is there a way you can help me? Thanks!
Hi Jamie,
The study guides are available for download on the Bible Quiz page at
If you have any trouble, let me know.
Hello Cmd Bill,
I’ve coached using your guides for many years with great results! The guides give clubbers a different focus that just using the books, since the guides are organized without the extra words & pictures.
Last year I moved to another church that hadn’t quizzed in a long time. After rallying the girls (boys showed little interest since we don’t have a game circle), my daughter & I took a Book 1 & Book 2 team to compete against our Journey team’s toughest, most prepared competitor. Book 1 team had a good experience, while Book2 team WON! I didn’t coach quizzing to win, but this was an exceptionally exciting competition and all 3 girls are studying in Challenge 1 & want to compete this year, even though our church doesn’t continue into 5th grade! It’s taking an extra effort that Christ calls us to do for them to go above & beyond their normal work. I plan to use your guides again this year!
Forgot to say, we’re serving T&T youth at Trinity Baptist of Yukon, west of OKC.
We attend and compete in Journey at 1st Southern Baptist Baptist, OKC.
This year we’ll attend Regional competition in Denton, TX, so our Trek teams can compete, but we’ve also gone to Kansas City.
Do you have quiz study notes for T&T Evidence of Grace NKJV? Also you have study notes for Trek or Journey? Thank you!
I am working on study guides for the Evidence of Grace handbook. I will post when they are ready (my goal is the end of the month).
I do not have study notes for Trek or Journey material.
HI Bill, I have gone through the Evidence of Grace book and created a Word table with info defintions, etc. similar to yours. What email can I send it to you for making it look polished.
I am looking for Evidence of Grace study guide ESV. Thank You!
I plan to be posting them on the website tomorrow evening
What happened to the Ultimate Challenge Book 2 Study Guide? I no longer see it on your site?
Thwy are still there on the Main Bible Quiz Guide Page and resource download page, in the Box window under quiz guides