It is so simple, yet it can be so very difficult. The secret to successful ministry can be summed up in one word… communication.
If your volunteers don’t know that you appreciate them, why should they stay? How do we convey that appreciation? By communicating it.
How do the children know we care? When we communicate it.
How do people learn about Jesus? Through communication.
How do we grow closer to God? You guessed it, communication.
Communication encompasses our entire lives. Whether we speak or not, our actions communicate several things.
Communication comes in several forms, written (handwritten, e-mail, text, etc), verbal, physical (appropriate hugs, high fives, pats on the back, etc) and through actions (things we do, how we are seen in public, how we react to others, etc).
So if you want a successful ministry, communicate. First with God through prayer and His Word and then with the people around you.
Communication: the key to a successful ministry.
That’s why I tweet. Communication! LOL (Great Post!)