My Awana Club year ended at the end of April. Recently, I attended the closing program of an Awana cub at a church not far from me where I knew a few of the children who were a part of that club.
Attending this closing program brought back fond memories of when I oversaw a larger club, both at my current church/club and the previous one where there was much more planning involved for the closing. I watched the Commander (Awana Ministry Director) working through the last minute details, trying to make sure things were just right, and I missed those times. This club would be considered a small club by many. They averaged 41 children on a typical club night. They had several activities through the year with pictures to share. My closing was not close to the presentation that they had and the information they shared. My Awana club did not have many of the activities that they held. This Awana club was four times the size of our Awana club, my club is had 9 children this past year and so our club did not do many of the activities they offered.
I share these things because this is the time of year where we evaluate the year that just ended. We must always evaluate the effectiveness of our ministry and if there are things we should add, end, or tweak. One thing that we must NEVER do, is to compare our Awana Club to another. In all of my years of involvement with Awana, I will confess that there are always things that I see other Awana Clubs, and that Commanders (AMDs), are doing that I am not and I can be envious, but God has not provided the resources within myself, or the club to do the same thing. If you are not doing what others are doing, it does not mean that your ministry is lacking. If you are using the resources that God has provided you well, and following His will, then your ministry is where it needs to be. Does that mean that we cannot get ideas from other clubs? Of course not. But do not be distracted by trying to be the same as the club down the street, or across the country. God has you where you are for a purpose. Use the resources that He has provided for your club, and God will bless your ministry as you stay faithful.
Take this time to evaluate your ministry, but do not compare your club to another in effectiveness nor activities. During this time of evaluation, seek God to see how He sees your club. What letter would He write to you and your ministry?