I recently had the opportunity to visit Art Rorheim’s office. Art is the co-founder of Awana. There is a lot of history and legacy in his office. Art’s secretary and the State Directors for Awana Northeast gave me the tour and shared some of the history and interesting items.
One of the items in Art’s office is a bowl with coins that he has brought from all over the world. When you visit his office, you are invited to take a coin from the bowl, any coin you want. Once you take the coin, then you are told “the catch”. You are asked to pray for the country of the coin you selected. What a unique way to encourage others to pray for the world!
A few years ago, the U.S. minted State Quarters. You could get some state quarters and do something similar for your ministry, or if you have access to foreign coins, you could use foreign coins and then do something similar to Art. Allow them to take a coin, and then ask them to pray for that country, state, or whatever coins you decide to use.
Have you been to Art’s office? Did you take a coin? Which country did you pick?
What other ways do you encourage kids to pray for others?