1. This looks really good. I suspect it might be a good learning tool for my four 2nd grade students. What is your opinion on the age range? How young and how old do you think it will generally captivate them?

  2. Cherie

    I am T&T Boys and Girls Secretary at a fairly large church in Wichita, KS. I could see how this would be used to further enhance a child’s understanding of being “saved” and what Jesus did for us. Sometimes, it’s hard, as an adult to explain to a child in their terms, some of the things about the gospel. They can take things VERY literal, and if we, as adults aren’t careful, we can scare them away. This book seems a good way in using analogies, by using Super Heroes, something they definitely love and know about, and applying it to the Gospel. Something they will remember, and also be able to tell about themselves. πŸ™‚

  3. This looks excellent. I would love to see how my 2 boys, 11 and 13 like it and then as commander I would pass it on to the T&T director to see if they would like us to order them as incentives for handbook time. Thanks for the info Commander Bill.

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