No words that I could write can say more than what Jesus’ actions did as He was brutally beaten and died for my sins. Dying in my place.
This was made more personal to me when watching an Easter production and they had a freeze scene where a person portraying Barabbas came on stage in disbelief that Jesus had actually taken his place on the cross, though Jesus didn’t deserve to die and he did. How powerful is that! Imagine yourself in Barabbas’ place, because you are.
But let us not forget about the cross after today. It is the cross and what Jesus did for us, for me, that we need to keep stay focused. But please, don’t leave Jesus on the cross because He conquered death and He lives today – He is not still hanging on the cross. That is over, He said “it is finished”.
When we think about the cross and what Jesus endued for us, for me, it is humbling and helps us live for Him.
Put aside the bunnies, eggs and baskets. Don’t have the children find eggs, have them find Jesus.