Recommended Books for the Year

Below is a list of the handbooks Awana recommends for the Awana Year (as the years extend out, Awana may revise books/curriculum, we will update this page if Awana updates any materials – at this time, we are not aware of any planned updates/revisions for any of the Awana club programs)

Why does Summit use a different book/study than the recommended Journey book by Awana?

When Awana first introduced the current Journey series, it was planned to be a four book rotation with the four books having the following names/themes: Disciples, Advocates, Witnesses, Leaders. After the three books were complete, Awana had taken on a bold task of updating several of the programs. It was decided to put the 4th book for Journey “on the shelf” and not produce it which initiated a 3-book rotation for the current Journey studies. Summit has maintained the 4-book rotation, using the classic Romans study for the fourth year, to maintain the Bible reading which is associated with each study for students working toward the Citation award. What is Summit? It is the national event for high school students using the Awana material. This event was originally organized and ran by Awana. It is now not a part of Awana and is run by volunteers. You can learn more about Summit on the Summit website.


  • Cubbies: Honeycomb
  • Sparks: One entry point, Flight 3:16, HangGlider, WingRunner, then SkyStormer
    Awana also notes:
    • HangGlider is for Kindergarten
    • WingRunner for 1st Grade
    • SkyStormer for 2nd Grade
  • T&T: Grace in Action
  • Trek: His Love
  • Journey: Witnesses
  • Summit: Disciples


  • Cubbies: Appleseed
  • Sparks: One entry point, Flight 3:16, HangGlider, WingRunner, then SkyStormer
    Awana also notes:
    • HangGlider is for Kindergarten
    • WingRunner for 1st Grade
    • SkyStormer for 2nd Grade
  • T&T: Evidence of Grace
  • Trek: His People
  • Journey & Summit: NEW 4th book (Identity)


  • Cubbies: Honeycomb
  • Sparks: One entry point, Flight 3:16, HangGlider, WingRunner, then SkyStormer
    Awana also notes:
    • HangGlider is for Kindergarten
    • WingRunner for 1st Grade
    • SkyStormer for 2nd Grade
  • T&T: Agents of Grace
  • Trek: His Story
  • Journey: Disciples
  • Summit: To be confirmed


  • Cubbies: Appleseed
  • Sparks: One entry point, Flight 3:16, HangGlider, WingRunner, then SkyStormer
    Awana also notes:
    • HangGlider is for Kindergarten
    • WingRunner for 1st Grade
    • SkyStormer for 2nd Grade
  • T&T: Discovery of Grace
  • Trek: His Love
  • Journey: Advocates
  • Summit: to be confirmed