As I have often posted, we must evaluate our ministries and their effectiveness. I often share that children’s ministry and web sites are similar in that you never really know the impact they have unless someone takes time to share how it has affected their lives and their walk with the Lord.
I do not rely soley on stats, but one cannot completely dismiss them either. Recently the week where the ratings skyrocketed was when I had the week sharing what was on the horizon for Awana and since then, and since the Awana club year has ended for many during the summer, visits to the blog have dropped to the lowest levels in a long time. Probably since last summer.
So over the course of the summer, as others take a break, I will be recalibrating the direction of the site, the frrequency of blog posts, etc. I also need to be sure that it does not take away from the ministry in the local church where I serve.
While many relax during the summer, it is a very busy time for me and I often regret not doing all I had hoped and planned to do, both in local ministry and for As people take vacations, my vacation time (all except for three days currently) is spoken for by participating in local ministry activities as well as regional Awana events. I am not complaining, but asking you to pray that I will find the time I need to rest and rejuvenate and not become overwhelmed with serving while working a FT secular job.
One thing on the horizon is a week of evaluating record keeping software for Awana. I have asked the developers some questions for them to share their software and the future of record keeping software. I’m excited about provided this information for you.
So keep me in prayer as I recalibrate the way I am serving via this blog, the web site, etc.
Thank yo