In today’s economy, your ministry budget is probably very tight and you probably look for any chance you get to save a few dollars. This week, a new web site was launched to help you with your budget. It is….
From their web site, here is why Qpon Monkey was developed: “Qpon Monkey was created to provide the very best deals for those individuals involved in ministry. Yes, it’s a coupon site designed specifically to help stretch your ministry budget. At the same time we hope to give you honest straight forward reviews of products written by ministers serving in the local church.”
This is a resource designed to help you see reviews of ministry products and save you money for items you might normally purchase. (Sorry, no Awana coupons available).
Take a look at QponMonkey and let me know what you think.
I’m ALWAYS looking for some sort of deal on children’s ministry resources. They’re not cheap (most of the time, anyway), so every little bit helps out. Thank you so much for sharing Qpon Monkey! I haven’t heard of it until now, and I’m looking forward to perusing the website for some awesome deals. Thank you so much again—you’ve literally made my day a sunny one.