Puggles Creation Finger Play
Provided by James and Deb Del Villar
God made the sun. (Hold your hands above your head in a big circle.)
So we can see. (Point to eyes.)
God made the stars. (Hold fingers out & wiggle them as if to ‘twinkle.’)
And God made ME. (Make a big gesture pointing to yourself.)
God made the frogs. (Cup hands together tenderly as if holding a baby frog.)
To hop with glee. (Hop one time.)
God made the birds. (Wave or flap arms.)
And God made ME. (Make a big gesture pointing to self.)
God made my ears. (Point to ears.)
God made my knee. (Point to knee.)
God made my fingers. (Wiggle fingers out in front.)
Yes. God made ME. (Make a big gesture pointing to yourself.)