Serving in the storm

The past few months have been a difficult time for me in ministry, and though things seem to be settling done, I know that the next few months will still be challenging. Have you ever faced a challenging time in ministry? I’m sure you have at some point. When we face challenges, we need to … [Read more…]

A New Beginning, A New Direction?

The year has been an interesting year for me. It would be great if when the clock struck midnight and the new year began, that all those things from this year would be over and forgotten and a new fresh start would begin with the new year. We all know that isn’t true. The things … [Read more…]

What is Advent?

Growing up, I attended a church who regularly had an advent wreath set up the weeks prior to Christmas. When I switched churches, and denominations, the advent wreath “disappeared” and I never heard of the advent season again. I knew about it, but I had really forgotten what is was and why it was observed. … [Read more…]