Seeking the Holiday Spirit in the Darkness

This has been a rough year for me. I will share more on that in another post. As the Christmas season approached, I knew that I could not go in to the season with the wrong attitude because if I did, it could have dire consequences. I’m not one who normally gets in the “holiday … [Read more…]

Evidence of Grace Quiz Guides

  The long awaited quiz guides for the Evidence of Grace handbook have been completed and uploaded to the web site. You may notice on the quiz guides that there is a page which includes information from the “Prayer Update” section. I realize that many clubs may not quiz on this material. I included it … [Read more…]

The Dark Side of Children’s Ministry

This past week, the resignation of the executive director of a well known children’s ministry was accepted and made public. While it was a surprise to many, I knew it was coming. I found myself in a unique situation because I know, and have recently spoken to, all of the individuals mentioned in the announcement. … [Read more…]