As I’ve traveled around in different circles, one of the common comments about Awana is that it is not focused enough on missions. This generally comes from churches that have used a mid-week program that is heavily focused on missions. Awana can, and has had a strong emphasis on missions, and reaching children for Christ around the world. It is all in how, and if you choose to, use it.
Recently, Awana launched a new initiative called AwanaGO, and in the last week or so, they released the first in a series of large group time lessons.
The lesson contains a PowerPoint file, a leader guide, a parent guide, take home cards and a video.
Awana seeks to work alongside the parent and with this curriculum, they are working to fulfill that mission by providing the parent guide.
As I stated, the first large group time lesson is available at I have been told that more should be available by the end of the month, or early September.
Personally, I am currently planning on using one a month for large group time with my group. Jesus said to go into all the world…. Awana is doing that…. and I want to be a part of what God is doing through Awana around the world. How about you?
Last year, we did a missions-focused lesson the first Wed. of each month using a video series I found, Missions Explorers DVD, available at (By the way, it is awesome and even shows Awana clubs in other countries they visit! Our kids loved it.)
This year, I’ve set apart the last Wednesday of January to introduce and “talk up” our Missions Month of February. The Awana Go! materials are excellent! I can’t wait to see more. I am grateful to Awana for providing this to us, free of charge.
We’ll be able to talk about being missionaries in our own backyard with a special Bring-A-Friend night and an opportunity for them to donate new toys & DVDs for us to send to a Children’s Hospital in our area. We’ll be able to talk about what the 10/40 window is and how missionaries are at work there. Our kids will be given a chance on the next store night in March to purchase items to add to our donations for the hospital. At the end of last year on our last store night, we gave them the option to donate their points towards buying Bibles and gospel tracts for missionaries in Asia. Many of our leaders matched their donations & the kids were so excited to see how many Bibles & tracts they were able to supply. Our club also provided 1 year’s support for a student at a special Christian school in Thailand. This year, we hope to provide support for 2 students, a boy and a girl.
I hope we’re demonstrating to them the many ways we can share the gospel with others. I pray that God works through us in helping to equip this generation to know Him, love Him, and serve Him to His glory. Awana is definitely partnering with us in this endeavor!