If you are going to release a new product or idea, then the Children’s Pastors Conference (CPC) is the place to do it. Awana did a wonderful job of introducing Resilient and the new brite* curriculum at CPC20. Having attended CPC20, I was able to get my hands on a copy of the book.
The book is a combination of research conducted by Awana over the last several years as well as stories of individual lives used as examples of being a resilient disciple. If you have been actively involved with Awana for the last several years, then you may have heard, or seen, many of the stories shared during Awana Ministry Conferences which confirms that this has been on the hearts of Awana leadership for several years.
The book is broken up into three segments: The Why, The What, and The How. While the book does offer some key concepts in how we need to go about making resilient disciples to lead the church in 2050, the book is initiating discussion about the current state of children’s ministry and if we are being effective in making disciples. It poses challenging questions and provides essential questions at the end of each chapter for the reader to ponder regarding their ministry and children’s ministry in general.
One thing that caught my attention about this book, and the dialogue that Awana is initiating, is that while this may be initiated by Awana, there are several voices in the children’s ministry world that have joined the discussion. People like Reggie Joiner, Jim Wideman, and Yancy Richmond.
Are you ready to take a hard look at children’s ministry today?
Are we preparing the children to be resilient disciples of Jesus in 2050?
I encourage you to join the conversation and get the book today.