My Favorite Question…

I sometimes have the feeling that people get tired of me asking this question, much like they get tired of a child asking this question. I wonder if it is because this question makes them think and sometimes they can’t answer it. I enjoy making people “think” 🙂

The question that I have grown to love is….. WHY?

I know, I know, you want to know WHY why is my favorite question (see, I’ve already converted you).

I like it because it defines the purpose behind something, the reason for doing what we are doing. It help delineate what is important and what is not. The answer doesn’t have to be an esay or a doctrinal thesis, it can be as simple as a single word (as long at it’s not “because”).

Why are you doing what you are doing in your ministry?

Is it because…

  •  churches do that
  • it has always been done that way
  • tradition
  • culture
  • God’s leading you that way
  • for fellowship
  • for worship
  • for discipleship
  • for evangelism
  • to show support
  • to reach kids for Jesus
  • why???
So think about it as you plan events, activities, ministries, etc….. why are you doing it?


When you can answer that question honestly, then you have a clear path to plan appropriately.