As I write the articles for the blog and the information for the website, I am writing for a large group, a diverse group, of people but ultimately all with one common purpose, reaching children for Jesus.
It can be difficult at times because I may never know the impact of the articles, just like we may never know the impact our lessons have on the children.
The one difference… with the blog and web site, there is not that direct, immediate interaction – yes, you can be engaged and interact via comments and participating in the community (which I encourage) – during large group time, you should be engaging the children and getting direct, immediate response and feedback. Ask questions during large group time. Have the children participate by having them act out accounts from the Bible or other scenarios. Engage the children with your teaching.
What are some ways you engage the clubbers during large group time?
I’ve been using devotionals from a book that uses natural science examples, and the kids – especially the T&Ters – have really seemed to be hooked. Watching a science experiment play out before them, and then hearing it tied into a biblical lesson, has sparked some great dialog with my kids.
The biggest hit by far demonstrated water tension: fill a glass to the brim with water, then ask how many pennies you can drop into the glass before it spills over. The kids will invariably guess low, and be amazed as I keep adding pennies and the water turns into a bubble above the rim, without spilling over. Then relate it to God’s love for us, and the power He fills us with. When He says in Psalms that the earth is filled with His glory, and in Acts that the apostles were filled with the Spirit – He means filled beyond what we could imagine. Filled to the brim – and then filled some more. Even the adult leaders were impressed. That’s just one example, but this approach seems to be working very well this year.
David, What is the title of the devotional you are using? Sounds like it has some good things to use.