What is your plan to accommodate growth?
A goal of many ministry leaders is to see their ministry grow. We share with others how we want to reach more children, but often what we do contradicts that and we actually tell children that we didn’t plan on them being there which may make them feel unwelcome. Some people are afraid of growth.
I always do what I can to prepare and plan for growth, do you?
- Do you have extra chairs in the room anticipating visitors?
- Do you have enough leaders to handle growth?
- Do you have the space for your ministry to grow, or will the room be overfull?
- Do you have a plan to handle growth?
I once shared a vision of seeing our children’s ministry grow by 20% throughout the year. Leaders were shocked saying it couldn’t happen. Then I tried to put it in perspective. 20% of the ministry would have been 3 children!
Are you ready for growth in your ministry? Are you prepared for 10% growth in your ministry? If that sounds like a lot, that is just one child out of 10 bringing a friend. Now can you envision it? Are you ready?