This past week, I spent two days at the first Children Ministry Expo in Lexington, KY. Of course I stopped by the Awana booth at the Expo (pictured here). I had the privilege of talking to Tim & Cheryl Welcher (Awana Missionaries in Kentucky), as well as Ken & Deb del Villar (Ken is the Director of Field Operations for Awana). They did an excellent job of presenting Awana and interacting with children there. And for those wondering, yes, finger blasters were flying in the air during part of the expo! The expo was not an Awana event, but rather a chance to see a lot of resources available to reach children for Christ. Some are “competitors” of Awana, but others can compliment it, as they are for VBS, summer camps, council times, incentives, etc. I want to highlight two of the “smaller” names that you may not hear about and encourage you to at least look at them and see what they have to offer.
- No Milk Ministries – Programs for Summer Camp, VBS, or whatever!
- Train Tracks – Lessons for elementary aged children (working on preschool materials). Designed for Children’s church, but may be adaptable for council times.
I also met Tony Kummer, of the website Ministry-to-Children. He put together a small video from CMX and I have two “cameo” appearances. Watch the Video and see if you can find me! If you are able to make it to the Expo next year, I encourage you to attend.
I plan to add some more posts from the Expo throughout the week.
It was great to finally meet you. I hope you kept those glasses – they definitely shout “Commander Bill.” 🙂
It was great to hang out with you and Wayne. I do regret not getting Wayne in the glasses too.
Video & Recap from Children's Ministry Expo 2010
[…] like or friends with Kidmin blogs. Here’s another bloggers recap of the event & check out Commander Bill’s highlights […]