The contest has ended and the winner is………
Alicia Stephens
It is the Awana conference season and in the past I have led workshops in as many as (4) Awana conferences during the season. This year, because of scheduling of the conferences, I will only be involved in (1). That’s right, just 1!!!!! I can hardly believe it myself. (Well that is unless an Awana Missionary reads this and asks me to be a part of their conference.)
That allows me to be a part of a blogging team for another conference where I will be a participant, not a leader, and I’m looking forward to what I will learn to enhance my ministry. I will be attending the CMLeaders Conference in Columbus, OH. (click the image for information about the conference)
The CM Leaders Conference is designed to meet the needs of the church by training those called to serve in Children’s Ministry with leadership skills relevant to our unique calling. The conference will focus on three items:
How does one develop as a leader?
What does leadership look like for one called to children’s ministry?
How do we disciple an entire generation to have a personal walk with Jesus Christ… beginning as a child and continuing into maturity?
There is also going to be some amazing people at this conference bringing all kinds of experience (for the Awana peeps, you may recognize one of the speakers).
- Steve Adams
- Brian Dollar
- Margaret Feinberg
- Phil Vischer
- Marie Kuck
- Denise Muir-Kjesbo
- Bo Harrington
- Craig Johnson
- Brad Tate
- Larry Fowler
- Mike Johnson
- Sam Luce
- Michael Chanley
There are general sessions and plenty of networking opportunities.
I really hope to see you there, and if you attend, I’ll be staying at the Comfort Inn along with several others who will be attending (see the lodging section of the site).
The current cost of the conference is $237 per person. I have been given one registration to give away, so you can attend the conference for FREE!
Friday evening, August 24, 2012 I will randomly select one winner for a free registration to CMLeaders in Columbus, OH in September.
There are three ways to enter:
- Post a comment below about why you would like to attend and you can post a second time letting me know which speaker, or individual, you’d like to meet there.
- Go to our FaceBook page and share the link to this post
- Tweet the following (up to 3x a day): @CommanderBill is giving away a free registration to the #CMLeaders Conference and I wanna go! #kidmin #Awana
Looking for more chances to get a free ticket? Check out these other sites:
Lindsey Whitney:
Wayne Stocks:
Barbara Graves:
I have been in part-time children’s ministry for three years. Yesterday, I gave my two week’s notice at my non-church job because I feel led to dedicate my life to full-time children’s ministry. I want so badly to attend this conference, which is out of my price range during this season of my life, so that I can become a stronger children’s minister and live out the call that God has for my life.
If I am selected to attend the CMLeaders conference for free, I have four people I would love to meet and thank in person. First, I would like to thank Michael Chanley for his work with INCM. Second, I would like to thank Brian Dollar for his book, “I Blew It” and the impact it had on my outlook on ministry. Third, I would like to thank Bo Harrington for teaching me about volunteers, as this is the first year we will have a volunteer application in our kidmin program. Finally, I would want to meet you, Commander Bill, to thank you for blessing me with this opportunity that I would not otherwise be able to have.
Would be great to attend the conference. Lots of great speakers. I would be especially to see Phil Vischer.