Tuesday evening at the CMConference by CMConnect was a time to focus on connections. There are many bloggers present that will share about the keynote speakers. I want to focus on something else that happened this evening.
Lori Bethran focused on the “audience of One”. Not being concerned about what man might say, but being concerned about God and focusing on His will for our lives.
Serving in children’s ministry can be a thankless “job”. Serving in children’s ministry and doing things for God that others are not called to do, what others may not understand, and some may even be looked down upon is even harder. When we serve, we often do not do it for the praise of man, but in reality, we are human and it is always good to get a “pat on the back” every now and then.
When a person is humbly serving God, it shows when they see God working in their lives.
We saw that tonight as CMConnect presented the “Golden Rhino” award for innovation to Charlie Slaughter (aka Kidmin Charlie). I began recording when I thought that he was being called up to the platform to share about his ministry in the Questmobile, driving across the United States to reach many children who may otherwise not hear about Jesus. What I recorded was a man who was honored to be accepted and invited to train others in reaching children outside the four walls of the church. A man who was surprised and humbled seeing God once again show His love through others and provide for his need. A man who does not seek recognition by man, he just wants to please His Father and tonight, His Father gave him a pat on the back and encouraged him with the humble award and gift from the CMConnect Conference attendees.
I share the video below so you can learn a little bit about his ministry and see the passion he has in serving His Father.
When you are serving God He will acknowledge it and encourage you along the way, helping you see the impact you are having on others and on the Kingdom.