Today I continue to share from the first CM Leaders conference last week and I move on to the next point of the conference – Lead. How do we as leaders lead those under us? What does it take.
While there are many things I could write about, I want to focus on two of them.
First, a new term was introduced… kidminnovation. It combines the “nickname” of children’s ministry (kidmin) with the word innovation. As a leader in ministry, or anything, if we simply try to duplicate what others are doing, then we are not leading, we are following. Duplication is faster and easier than innovation, but it seldom creates kingdom results. Many people give in to the myth that they are not creative and so they try to copy others. We may not be able t do it ourselves, but we can surround ourselves with people who can. I could relate a lot to what was being shared about being a kidminnovator.
As our church moved into its first permanent facility, I had the task of renovating the downstairs (area used mainly by the children) and I had a vision of several things to do, but I could not do it myself. There were others around me who caught the vision and made it a reality. Think about your biggest dream….as you do, you begin to limit God because He can do so much more!
I often have a vision of how God will bless the ministries in our church and there are times when others unintentionally discourage me, or do not have the same vision I have and present lower expectations. I’m a logistical person and I like to plan for growth, believing that it will come. It is then when I hit obstacles when others do not have the same mindset and focus on the present. It is difficult to change that mindset in others, but I must have a view for the future and expectations for greater things from God. I question what will happen if a we see a modest 10% growth in our ministries…. could we handle it? Do we have enough chairs, rooms, etc? Or will we be reactive and too late to respond
What about you, are you a kidminnovator? Are you looking for ways to bring innovation to your ministry? Yes, it can be risky and you will make mistakes, get criticism, etc… but it pays eternal dividends.
The second thing I want to share is how to have spiritual power in your life and ministry. The bottom line….there is power in the Gospel (Romans 1:16). We have spiritual power when we use His Word and when we fervently pray. There are times in our busy lives when prayer and the Word can sometimes be an afterthought to our kidminnovation. To have spiritual power in our ministry and life, the Word and prayer must be a priority. We cannot let the Gospel become so common place that we take it for granted and forget its power.
So innovate, but keep it rooted in His Word and prayer.
What do you do to have spiritual power in your ministry? and How are you being a kidminnovator?