The final focus of the conference was disciple. As leaders, we need to be training up the leaders under us. Once again, several speakers shared experiences, how they do things in their church, etc. The speakers were good and I could comment on all of them, but space is limited so I am focusing mainly on comments one speaker made about discipleship that hit home with me.
One illustration spoke of ships, how their original purpose were to get from point a to point b, but as airplanes began traversing the oceans, ships lost their purpose and so they were given a new purpose. They would have no destination, the ship itself would be the destination and they became cruise ships that were points of entertainment. Sadly, many churches followed suit. They lost their original purpose of making disciples and the church itself became the destination. Churches became places of entertainment where several were invited, but few were challenged to follow Christ.
We need to be discipling others. We need to be training people to do what we do. I’m learning that this year as I leave our local Awana club in the hands of very capable volunteers. This is the first time in over a decade where I am not actively involved on a club night. Yes, it is a difficult adjustment for me, but I also know that those running the club have been discipled and are able to run the club well.
You see, it is not about ME and what I do, it is about leading others to Jesus and teaching them to serve Him.
How about you? What are you doing to intentionally disciple others?