Awana Simulcast – My Thoughts

From the beginning, when Cindy Craig opened the Simulcast Conference, you felt and knew that you were a part of something big. While Cindy seemed out of place and kind of stiff in the beginning, she did appear more at ease as the day progressed. But then what do you expect? It’s not like she … [Read more…]

The Crossmaker – Review

I recently received a copy of The Crossmaker from See the Light Ministry. I have known about the ministry, but only a real little bit. I am always looking for various things for large group time messages for Awana, and even though I am not a real proponent of using videos exclusively during council time, … [Read more…]

The Diary of a Wimpy Kid Review

I have to admit, I had not heard of the books (even though the first one came out in 2007) and my first introduction was the promo for the movie, and then a discussion on the Kidology Forum. Because the discussion was about whether it could be used in ministry, I decided to watch it … [Read more…]

Awana Club Clinic, On-Line Training

So I was wandering around the Awana web site yesterday. As I entered the Resources & Tools (A.R.T.) area I was amazed to see something new called the Awana Club Clinic. Here is what the site says about the Club Clinic: “Does your club need a boost? A fresh infusion of energy? A new way of … [Read more…]