What if David & Goliath worked together?

We all probably know the story how a small, young David killed the large, powerful Goliath. We look at this from the competitive aspect of the story. The good guys vs the bad guys, which is how it was then, but let me throw a spin on this familiar story. Let’s look at David as the … [Read more…]

Tuesday Tip: Training – It's Importance and Mistakes I've Made

Serving on the ministry team of Awana Missionaries and running CommanderBill.net, I am involved in several trainings, from Regional Basic Trainings, to individual church trainings, to conferences, to being a consultant to churches and individuals. So you would think that I’ve got it down and run the perfect club, right? Well, I wish that was the … [Read more…]

Our club quadrupled!! Now What?

Seriously, my club did quadruple in size this year! Now there is a unique reason why. We currently do not have a facility. We meet in a movie theater on Sunday mornings and for the last few years at a local YMCA Sunday evenings for Awana, Youth and adult Bible Study. The Y never really … [Read more…]