Puggles Snacktime Song
Snacktime Song A song to prepare the children for snacks Provided by James and Deb Del Villar Snack, snack, snack time’s here, Won’t you have a seat. Let’s fold our hands, And close our eyes, Let’s pray before we eat.
Articles that relate specifically to Awana
Snacktime Song A song to prepare the children for snacks Provided by James and Deb Del Villar Snack, snack, snack time’s here, Won’t you have a seat. Let’s fold our hands, And close our eyes, Let’s pray before we eat.
Puggles Quiet Song A song to help the children quiet down for prayer. Provided by: Provided by James and Deb Del Villar Puggles giggle and they sing. Puggles like to run and play. Puggles sit so very still. Puggles fold their hands and pray. (Quietly) Puggles sit so very still. Puggles fold their hands and pray.
Puggles Creation Finger Play Provided by James and Deb Del Villar ————————————————————– God made the sun. (Hold your hands above your head in a big circle.) So we can see. (Point to eyes.) God made the stars. (Hold fingers out & wiggle them as if to ‘twinkle.’) And God made ME. (Make a big gesture … [Read more…]
God Is So Good (Puggles Praise) God made the sky and God made the trees God made the animals And God made me God made everything that I can see God is so good God is so good God made the moon and God made the sun God made the twinkling stars for everyone God … [Read more…]