Evidence of Grace Quiz Guides

  The long awaited quiz guides for the Evidence of Grace handbook have been completed and uploaded to the web site. You may notice on the quiz guides that there is a page which includes information from the “Prayer Update” section. I realize that many clubs may not quiz on this material. I included it … [Read more…]

A Disturbing Trend in Awana

Several years ago I was asked what would Awana have to do to make me stop using their material. I see a trend growing, that if it continues, could be the catalyst for that departure. Most of the comments have been around the new T&T material. There is a phrase that I have heard used … [Read more…]

One Click Can Reach Thousands With the Gospel

We live in a culture where we click “like” to share our thoughts, to support a cause, to voice our view. Now you have a chance to use the power of the click to help reach thousands of children with Awana. Awana is eligible to receive over $7000 from the Nellis Group to help us … [Read more…]