New Sparks Large Group Guide Review
I recently received my copy of the new Sparks Large Group Guide and overall I like what I see. Watch the video below for the entire review. Here are a few key points.
Articles that relate specifically to Awana
I recently received my copy of the new Sparks Large Group Guide and overall I like what I see. Watch the video below for the entire review. Here are a few key points.
My Awana Club year ended at the end of April. Recently, I attended the closing program of an Awana cub at a church not far from me where I knew a few of the children who were a part of that club. Attending this closing program brought back fond memories of when I oversaw a … [Read more…]
Awana has field personnel, also known as Awana missionaries. This is not a new role. Awana had its first full time Awana missionary in 1965! They are one of the greatest resources for your church and your Awana ministry. The Awana missionary is NOT the outside salesperson for Awana. They have seen how God … [Read more…]
Awana Basics Online (ABO) is a new tool provided by Awana, making its debut in summer of 2021. It is a free resource for churches registered to use Awana, but to use this resource freely, you and your leaders must have an account with Awana and be connected to a your church that is registered … [Read more…]
You now know how many weeks you are meeting for the year, now it is time to fill in your calendar. There are four items to consider: Handbook sections Theme Nights Special events Additional Events First let’s look at handbook sections. This is key for all clubs except for Sparks for most churches. … [Read more…]