A few years ago I wrote a post called “The Dreaded Bring a Friend Section” and my view of the intent of that section. Recently I had a few 6th grade clubbers approach me about options for that section and I came up with a new approach. I encouraged the children to prepare a testimony about bringing friends and why it is important (I would only recommend this for 5th or 6th grade clubbers who have participated in Awana for a couple years).
I realize that home schooled children, and others, may have difficulty inviting and bringing other children, yet the importance of it should not be diminished. They need to understand why it is important. Below is a video of one of our clubbers giving their testimony. They had been able to bring visitors in the past and so they shared that.
So encourage your clubbers who have difficulty bringing friends to share why it is important. By doing so, they will be learning the importance of it and sharing with others. Below is a video of the clubber giving their testimony. After watching the video, let me know your thoughts about this option.
I love this idea! He handled himself very well! I’m going to start using this in our clubs. This works great for home schooled kids and Christian School kids too!