Imagine preparing for your club night when at the last minute you need to cancel. In the U.S. this would probably be because of the weather and the safety of those traveling. But imagine it is because of riots in the streets. Hard to imagine isn’t it, but it could happen. What would you do?
This is happening right now in Egypt. You have probably seen the riots on the news and you may have seen the reports about how the media are being taken into custody, are in fear for their lives and have to take extraordinary measures to stay safe. But one thing you won’t hear is how Christians are being treated during this time and what they may face with a new government.
Last Monday Awana International posted on their FaceBook Page the following, “Urgent prayer request – please pray for our workers, Awana churches, clubbers and parents in Egypt in this time of unrest. All Awana activities have been suspended until further notice. Due to safety concerns one of our workers and his family are confined to their home, so we would appreciate your interceding on their behalf that God would give them peace and meet their needs during this difficult time.
Here is some info on Awana in Egypt…
- Church Almost Triples in Size – Written by an Awana Leader in Egypt
- There are 2,018 kids a week attending Awana at 39 churches in Egypt
- Watch a video of clubbers in Egypt singing during council time
God has been doing great things in Egypt through Awana (and I believe He still will). I’m asking you to join me in prayer for Awana in Egypt, they are in great need of prayer during this time.
This is also a great time to teach your clubbers about Acts 1:8, reaching your community and the world for Jesus. Have them pray for Awana in Egypt and for the children who have had to have Awana canceled due to the unrest. Ask how they feel when Awana is canceled and how they would feel if it was canceled indefinitely. How would they learn the Word of God?
How can we help the Awana Clubs in Egypt as they go through this time? We can start with prayer. I’ll be praying for the Awana Missionaries there, Alber and Akram, as well as for all of the leaders and clubbers.
Will you join me? If so, please leave a comment below so they can see the support they are receiving.
Thanks Bill for making people aware of what is happening to our “Brothers and Sisters” in Egypt. We take so much for granted living here in the US. We have no idea what people go through in other countries. I will pray for Alber, Akram and all the Awana leaders and families in Egypt. Thanks again for reminding us to pray for others.
Thanks for sharing about Awana in Egypt. So much about what our friends overseas do for Awana that goes unnoticed is amazing. They have amazing faith and dedication.
I love it when the church becomes the body of Christ to our brothers and sisters in other lands through prayer support. It reminds us of heaven where there will be people from every tribe and nation and language group all praising God together.
I really appreciate your information regarding Egypt and to raise awareness of the needs there at this time. I understand that we have great Awana leadership there and am excited to see what God will do there through Awana! I will continue to pray for our missionaries there and encourage those who are reading this to pray along with me; for safety and encouragement for our missionaries during this unsettling time.
Bill, thank you for highlighting what is happening in Egypt with the Awana clubs. I will join you in praying for the Awana family there in Egypt.
Thank you Bill for helping people be more aware of what is happening in Egypt. I will be joining you in prayer for the safety of our missionaries, Awana leaders and clubbers.
Tweets that mention Awana was canceled!! | Commander Bill's Blog --
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by AwanaInternational, Commander Bill. Commander Bill said: Awana was canceled!! #Awana #kidmin […]
Hi Bill, Thank you for calling us to prayer for our brothers and sisters in Egypt. God has a greater plan for Egypt (Isa. 19:19-25), and He is doing a great work through these churches and leaders in the lives of these precious children and youth. I will join you in prayer for Awana Egypt!
It is hard to imagine what it would be like to go through what is happening in Egypt right now. Thanks for helping get the word out to pray for the Awana staff, leaders and clubbers in Egypt! My thoughts and prayers are with them too.
Commander Bill –
This makes the Egypt crisis so real for me. Thank you for posting this and giving me a very specific way to pray re: the unrest in Egypt. I am very worried about the future for Christians in this county.
Commander Bill,
Thanks for all you are doing to inform and encourage other brothers and sisters to pray for the body of Christ. We are reading these communications to our prayer team at church so they can develop a greater vision for what other Christians face and to uplift them in prayer. Thank You!
Thank you Bill for sharing with us about what is happening in Egypt with Awana.
Commander Bill
Thanks for your love of Awana and the clubbers but most of all our brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world! We appreciate that you are mobilizing prayers for Egypt – the most powerful and spirit filled request ever!
while prayer is the most important thing we can do, is there anything we can do physically and/or politically? let’s put feet to our prayers since God works through us more often than He works through miracles