For several years I have attended Awana conferences and via the forums, at conference and other venues, I have encouraged people from the same church to attend different workshops and then gather to share what they learned in those workshops, spreading the knowledge gained at a conference.
With the simulcast, it was stated that approximately 20,000 people were participating in several locations. With Awana, myself and others using Twitter and Facebook to instantly share key points from the simulcast, and also with myself and others posting their notes on web sites, it allowed countless others the opportunity to be a part of a learning opportunity when they could not attend.
Individually people are sharing what they learned and expereinced with the simulcast with others in their clubs and across the US. We need to take this to the “traditional” conferences still being held,,encouraging people to attend different workshops and then come together to share what they’ve learned. Conference isn’t an individual activity, it is a time to nwetwork and share form our own experiences, and a great way to do that is to share with others what you have learned and sharing web sites like this and Awana’s Club Clinic (and Resource Site) so others can learn, improving their ministries.
Working together and sharing with others we can do GREAT things for the Kingdom.