Record keeping software for Awana has been around for a long time. Over the years, several products have been available. Over the years, I have developed a comparison chart to help people see what each offered, their similarities and there differences. I have since stopped providing that comparison because of all of the software products that were once available, there are two that have stayed the course and provide enhancements each year. These two are Awana Record Keeping (ARK) and Approved Workman. They both offer a quality product that will meet your club’s need. They each update regularly to improve the product, keep information accurate as Awana makes revisions, and provide features requested by their users. They both have too many features to list here. Below is brief information of each product. I encourage you to try each to see which fits your club’s requirements.
A.R.K. offers a desktop (offline) version as well as a web based version of it’s software. From their website:
There is a smart phone app for the Android and iPhone for use on either of these versions [desktop or online], however, the desktop version only supports using the check-in portion of the app, while the online version also allows entering section information.
The software will run on any computer using Windows XP SP3 through Windows 8.1, Mac OS 10.7 or later, and Linux distributions with GTK+ 2.8 or higher.
Unlimited use for an individual church
Approved Workman provides a “desktop” version. The software is compatible with Microsoft Windows* 8, Windows 7, Vista, and XP (Apple and Linux OS’s are not supported). They currently do not have an online version, but one is in the works. The software allows multi-users at one time whether networked, or using several stand alone systems. Multi-user licenses are required for this feature.
This year, there are some new “players” entering the record keeping software field. One newcomer is called SHINE. The software is still in it’s infancy and I probably will not list it on the website until it officially “launches” which is expected to occur next year. Shine is an online record keeping application. If you want to try the software, the developer is looking for clubs to be beta testers this year. He is offering the online product for free this year to allow clubs to try the product and report issues. If you are interested, visit the website and contact him. He is only accepting 20 clubs initially for this beta test. I did get a demo account to look at the product. It is a basic application, but one that will help you keep your club’s records.
Another new entry into the field is Fellowship Loop. From an e-mail they sent me:
I have developed “FellowshipLoop”, a cloud based event scheduling, registration application suite for the churches. One of the applications I developed in the suite is the online Awana record-keeping application that’s designed specifically for use on tablets. Currently 6 Awana Clubs in the Silicon Valley are using the application. After over 1 year of deployment, FellowshipLoop is now open to all Awana clubs and host churches.
The Awana App supports record-keeping with integrated registration and payment service. Both FellowshipLoop and the Awana app are free to all Awana clubs and host churches.
I was given access to a demo application. The Awana module is a part of the larger database designed to assist churches in various ways. This is a web based application.
This is another new product. I also received a demo version of this application. This is also a web based application. It has a very nice looking interface and you can do online registrations, track attendance and progress and all the things to help track records for your club. This has been in use since 2010 and would be an asset to your ministry.
That wraps up this year’s brief review of record keeping software. If you are looking for software, I encourage you to try the various options. When you contact them, tell them that you heard about them from Commander Bill.
It takes time to set any database up, and there is always a “learning curve”, but once it is set-up and you have become comfortable with it, it is a valuable tool to help you focus on the children.
If you know of any other record keeping products, please contact me and let me know. I’d love to take a look at them. I know that there are a few others that are in process.
Which record keeping software do you use? Why? Comment below and let others know to help them decide which to select.
Thanks for the updates on Shine and TwoTimTwo. If it wasn’t for your post, I don’t know how long it would have taken me to find out about them (if ever). It’s always nice to have more options in the market for automated and/or online record keeping software.
Thank you Carlton. That’s one of the reasons exists…. to try to help keep clubs informed of what’s available to help enhance their ministry.
Thanks for letting your readers know more record keeping programs have been developed! I’ve contacted TwoTimTwo and am running a test version. Overall I’m finding the site pretty intuitive and attractive. The visual design is much better than the product we’ve been using for the past few years, but is lacking a couple features we’ve come to appreciate. So far my questions have been answered and most of my specific needs have been accommodated. We’re still working on a couple things, so I’ll keep you posted.
We are using TwoTimTwo software for our club and I am very pleased with it and the support we have gotten from Devon Clark. They have implemented some items that we needed on our clubber management.
I love the feature where we can export our clubbers info out to excel so we can sort it and print out reports or nametags as needed.
I had been involved in Awana since 1988 in a club that did not use software and this software has been very easy to get up and going and get the secretaries and commander to use.
Very excited to see how this continues to develop over the years.
Side by side secretary trainer for Awana