(Posted July 22, 2015)
Each year I try to keep you updated on the options available for electronic record-keeping for your Awana club. I strive to maintain an accurate list with a basic description of each on the record-keeping page of the site. If you know of a record-keeping program that is available that I do not have listed, then please let me know.
Here is the update for this year….
A.R.K. has been around the longest of any of the current record-keeping programs for Awana. It is available for desktop systems on multiple platforms. Users are surveyed to see what additions should be added to the software.
A.R.K. went “live” with an online version of the application in August 2012. Over that time, the application has been tweaked and people are getting the quality they deserve. The online application was written with 75% or more of the same code (shared) as the desktop version making it a tried and true, solid program. Arkweb now enters its fourth year serving Awana clubs. Click here for more information about A.R.K. and to get a demo of the software and app.
Approved Workman has been available in a desktop version since 2005 and offers several features that you club may be looking for, including tracking inventory, family statements, registration forms and more. An online support forum is one of many ways customers can learn “tricks” and shortcuts from the developer and other users. Customers can also make suggestions for future upgrades to the software. Approved Workman is for Windows based systems.
Approved Workman is developing a web based application which they hope will be available for people to log-in and demo in late August. The initial release will have the basic functions with more functionality added as over time.
TwoTimTwo is an online system that has been in use since 2010 and is picking up a good user base. The app provides several pre-built reports. It also includes a club calendar which allows you to keep families informed about activities, meeting nights, etc.
Click here to find out more information or request a demo
Awana enters the electronic record-keeping arena for the first time this year with a new product entitled Mozo. Mozo is a web-based application to help “turn minutes into ministry”. The record-keeping portion of Mozo is an add-on module to the other features available in Mozo. Mozo is available for pre-sale now and is currently scheduled to be released Sept. 1, 2015. Click here to learn more about Mozo.
Clubberdb is a new entrant into the record-keeping arena as well. They contacted me about this online product which was tested last year by some churches and is being made available this year. I did get access to demo it and found it to be a basic database. I did not run it through a lot of tests because of time but I was able to get past the “learning curve” that anyone has with new software. Click here to learn more about Clubberdb.
Shine Record-keeping is an online product that ran a test last year with a limited number of clubs. They have updated the user interface, support for section and award tracking. There is also a mobile friendly menu and search box. It seems that they are serious about building a quality product and I look forward to seeing the future updates they make to meet the needs of their users.
I learned of Fellowship Loop last year. It is being offered for free and is a basic record-keeping application. This is what was shared last year, “I have developed “FellowshipLoop”, a cloud based event scheduling, registration application suite for the churches. One of the applications I developed in the suite is the online Awana record-keeping application that’s designed specifically for use on tablets. Currently 6 Awana Clubs in the Silicon Valley are using the application. After over 1 year of deployment, FellowshipLoop is now open to all Awana clubs and host churches”.
I encourage you to look over the record-keeping options that are available and select the one that fits the culture and needs of your club. When you look at, or purchase one of the software options, please let them know that you heard about it from “Commander Bill”.
Thank you, and my you have a great Awana year!
Now that Mozo has been out for a few months, I would be interested to see people’s opinions of it. It seems like an awfully steep price for what other programs offer for much less.
There are mixed reviews on the record keeping module. For some it has met their need, others are very disappointed. You can see yhe comments, feature requests, and updates Awana is making by going to https://mozohelp.awana.org/
Have you read my post with my thoughts on the launch of Mozo?
Commander Bill, what is the current status of MOZO. We will be having new secretaries in the fall of 2016 for our Awana Ministry. We currently do everything on paper and then it gets put on a computer. We are not using any online software at this point. Would you, at this point, recommend that our program use the MOZO record keeping system. I am the Awana Commander at First Covenant Church in River Falls, Wisconsin
I am working on my annual record keeping software update and that process involves contacting all of the developers about their product and enhancements. I expect a response from Awana about Mozo soon and I anticipate posting the annual update no later than the week of the 15th. I do know that Awana has been working to improve their record keeping product.
The question becomes what records and reports do you want to see with the software you use and how do you plan to use it – input all information on a club night, or later in the week? I know several clubs that are very content with Mozo and some that are not.
So, even though I know it is not a complete answer, depending on what you desire to see in the software, Mozo will either be very beneficial to your club, or a struggle.
I publicly do not recommend one product over another as it is important to analyze a club’s need/desire in a record keeping product and all of the major products have great features with the same basic functions to record clubbers’ progress.