1. Now that Mozo has been out for a few months, I would be interested to see people’s opinions of it. It seems like an awfully steep price for what other programs offer for much less.

  2. Vern Larson

    Commander Bill, what is the current status of MOZO. We will be having new secretaries in the fall of 2016 for our Awana Ministry. We currently do everything on paper and then it gets put on a computer. We are not using any online software at this point. Would you, at this point, recommend that our program use the MOZO record keeping system. I am the Awana Commander at First Covenant Church in River Falls, Wisconsin

    • Vern,

      I am working on my annual record keeping software update and that process involves contacting all of the developers about their product and enhancements. I expect a response from Awana about Mozo soon and I anticipate posting the annual update no later than the week of the 15th. I do know that Awana has been working to improve their record keeping product.

      The question becomes what records and reports do you want to see with the software you use and how do you plan to use it – input all information on a club night, or later in the week? I know several clubs that are very content with Mozo and some that are not.

      So, even though I know it is not a complete answer, depending on what you desire to see in the software, Mozo will either be very beneficial to your club, or a struggle.

      I publicly do not recommend one product over another as it is important to analyze a club’s need/desire in a record keeping product and all of the major products have great features with the same basic functions to record clubbers’ progress.

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