Awana has changed the way Bible Quizzes are held. For the majority of the United States, individual churches will be required to host and organize the Bible Quizzing for their area. This could be a regional quiz as many have come to know, it could be a few churches coming together, or it could be a church holding an “in-house” quiz. Consequently, quizzing could have many more variables in how it is held, as churches decide how they individually want to hold quizzing. What rules they follow, topics covered, versions covered, formats used, etc.
With that transition, along with Awana revising the Truth & Training material in the fall of 2016 (originally the fall of 2015), I do not plan to make any revisions to the study guides (except possibly correct typos and errors) until the revised T&T materials are released in 2016. During the summer of 2016 (if the Lord tarries), I will assess the “state” of Bible Quizzing and decide at that time if I will develop new guides for the new materials.
I would be interested in hearing if your church is hosting an Awana Bible Quiz this year (2014-15) and next (2015-16) as well as your thoughts about the future of Awana Bible Quizzing.
We usually participate in the regional quizzing for T&T and have also done it in-house. With the uncertainty going forward in our area, I have budgeted for more quizzing paddles and a quizzing machine for next year. If there is regional T&T quizzing, we will participate as usual but with us having our own in-house resources, we plan to try a small-scale event for our Sparkies as well. Who knows, we may even host a regional event next year!
Our church will be hosting a Bible Quiz this club year. The Quiz has been held at our church for many years. I have been the registrar, quiz question writer, staff recruiter, seat assigner, etc. and so it will not seem so different. I’ll just now need to order the awards, also.
Our church has participated in regional bible quizzing for over 20 years and is hosting a regional bible quiz this year. We have 7 registered Churches, a total of 30 teams. Our church has two bible quiz study sessions for four weeks before the quiz. We strongly believe that the bible memorization in preparing for the bible quiz can have a lifetime impact on these children. We are committed to hosting a regional bible quiz every year, and have already posted our 2016 date. In preparation for the quiz we use several study tools, but prefer your study guides, above any other.
While we were the host church for several years, this past year we took on sponsoring the entire event including writing questions. We had 13 churches and 60 teams. We are sponsoring the event again in Feb 2016 but will really have to examine how we will do quizzing in subsequent years when churches can select which booklets to use at their church. There is no way of knowing what booklets to quiz over since they won’t be common across churches as I understand it.
I attend a church that is now hosting Bible Quizzing as well. We briefly discussed how to handle the transition to the new T&T material and our initial plan is to quiz the Ultimate Adventure group in the new material and quiz Ultimate Challenge with the current material (which they will still be using.
My understanding with the new material is that it will be like Cubbies, where there will be one book focused on each year, alternating years, so in future years there will only be two books quizzed each year, one for Ultimate Adventure and one for Ultimate Challenge.
I went through a similar transition for Bible Quizzing when Awana transitioned to the T&T material from the previous books.
It can be done well without much confusion.
I’d be willing to discuss it more with you if you would like another view of how to make the transition for quizzing.
We are participating in quizzing at a church in our area. (In fact, Gil, who commented above, and his church are hosting! 🙂 Thank you Gil!) We did the same last year. We really like and use your quizzing study guide and hope that with the new/revised T&T material in 2016, you will choose to update your quiz guides! They have been a great resource!! Thank you!!!
I’m glad that the quiz guides have been a benefit to you.
When the new material T&T material is released for the fall of this year (2016), I will be developing new guides for the new material, so watch for them shortly after the new Awana year begins. I’ll be posting when they are available.
We have started our 2016/2017 club year, and I am a Regional Bible Quiz Coordinator in Northeast Ohio. I am curious if you are planning on making study guides for the new, Grace In Action, book? In the past years we have recommended your study guide material to all of our participating churches. They have been such a wonderful study tool for the Bible Quiz and we would love to continue to use them, including the new material.
—Thank you—
Yes, I am planning on making a guides for the new Grace in Action Book. I am currently waiting to receive all (4) versions of the book.
I would look for guides to start appearing around the end of October (after conference season is over) – that is my self-imposed timetable.
If you have decided what portions of the GIA books you will be quizzing, send me an e-mail and let me know as that will help me prepare the guides.
Do you have any guides for Journey Disciples bible Study?
I do not currently have any guides for the Journey Disciples study. Before the Trek & Journey curriculum change, quizzing used to cover an entire book, or study and so to create the guide, I would have been “re-writing” the entire book. With the new curriculum, only about 1/2 the book is quizzed (along with the Bible Summaries) and so I may reconsider that for next year.
Yes you are right we are only quizzing about 1/2 the book and looking into some questions that are not personal.
Are you anticipating having the guides in place for the Grace in Action series for the Bible Quiz sometime in early January.
Yes. I am working on them now and I hope to have them available on my site by the end of the month.
were you able to complete the Grace in Action ones?
Grace in Action study guides were completed last year. They are under the Bible Quiz downloads.
Cmdr BILL. Hi! I have a rough draft of an Evidence of Grace study guide I wanted to pass to you. Hopefully this can save you some time typing the verses (atleast for the NKJV) for distributing this as a valuable guide to other BQers.
Let’s see if it will copy or… with an email address, I can give you access to my DropBox file.
Sincerely hoping this helps you.