After our long road trip, we finally arrived at the hotel and convention center where the Children’s Pastors Conference (CPC) is being held.
Not much is happening tonight. Things are being set up and it is a time to relax for me before the conference begins. We checked in for the conference and I had the chance to meet with a few of the Awana “peeps”. The Awana state directors and leadership team arrive before CPC for some meetings and then they stay to be a part of CPC. I always enjoy spending time with people involved in Awana (and children’s ministry in general). It is energizing being with others with a similar passion to share Jesus with children.
I’m looking forward to tomorrow where I will be attending sessions hosted by Awana to learn the latest about the direction Awana is headed. I am also hopeful to meet several others that I know on-line, but have yet to meet in person.
It will be a tiring, yet energizing few days, as I learn from others so I can better serve God through children’s ministry. I will be posting as I am able over the next few days with what I am learning and into next week to encourage and help you.