Just a brief note today and a moment of reflection. So often we forget about the blessings that God has given to us. We cloud them with negative thoughts, and trials. Every now and then in ministry, God will show us that He cares for us and that we are having an impact. It may be a note, a hug, or seeing a child serving God.
God also gave us memories and a desire to remember certain milestones in our lives. In fact God often had people build an altar, or mark a spot so people would remember certain events that He had done. Today, those “markers” are dates on the calendar. Days that we remember good things that have happened, like the birth of a child, and sometimes dates bring saddness (loss of loved ones, etc).
Today I reflect on the last 27 years and the family God has given to me. 27 years ago today, my wife and I were married. I’m sure all couples will tell you that it isn’t always easy, yes I’m sure I get on her nerves every now and then, but through all the trials and triumphs, we’ve stayed together and I truly cannot imagine my life without her.
She has served alongside of me in ministry and we have raised two wonderful children.
So let me take this time today to give God thanks for my wife and my family.
Happy Anniversary Peg! I love you.
Happy Anniversary Bill and Peg. What a blessing!