We all face various seasons of ministry. God can calls and directs us throughout our lives. Sometimes we may not fully understand why He leads us where He does, but we know it is always for His glory.
What some may not know is that for the last five years “Commander Bill” has not served as a commander, now called an Awana Ministry Director. While I have served in a couple of Awana clubs during that time, I was not the one leading the program.
Recently I was called to lead the Awana ministry of a church, a new season of ministry. I am now a “new AMD”. You may wonder if I will abide by the counsel that I have given other new commanders (AMDs). The answer is yes. It is not a “do as I say, not as I do” philosophy. I am following the advice that I would give any new AMD. This advise is good for new, or seasoned, AMDs.
Don’t compare yourself to other clubs/programs
There will always be clubs that do things that you wish you could do. They seem to be much more effective. Truth be told, other clubs are looking at what you are doing and wishing they could do the one thing that you do that they don’t do. God has you at the place you are for a reason. You are reaching children that others may not reach.
Focus on the Basics
You may want to hold a Grand Prix, participate in Games and Bible Quizzing, or have awesome theme nights frequently. When you plan multiple events, then you can lose focus of the important thing…. sharing the Gospel with the children. The energy that it takes to organize the “big events” can drain your energy and cause you to lose focus of the most important thing – sharing Jesus.
I took responsibility for the club on August 1st and in a few short weeks I was tasked with all of the administrative things required to begin the club year well. In less than 2 weeks I had the schedule laid out, database updated, initial order placed based on anticipated participation, leaders lined up, and registration begun with information either hand delivered or sent in the mail to let people know about the upcoming year. The schedule has no theme nights planned. They will be added throughout the year. For now, I had to focus on the basics to get the club started well. The next two weeks will be meeting with leaders and getting the final administrative tasks completed. The first night of club is Sept. 5th.
If I didn’t focus on the basics, then many of the basics might be forgotten and the year would start poorly which could have a negative impact on the entire year.
Build as you go
Having started focused on basics, I can now begin to build on that foundation. It is important to have a solid foundation and as we build, we need to be sure that the structure is solid and secure. In time additional events and activities can be added to enhance the club.
Plan for growth
We should always plan for growth. If your club grew by 10%, could you handle the growth? Have additional chairs out for potential visitors. Have a plan for when children visit. Have people in mind that you may be able to call to handle the increased growth. When we wait until the last minute it becomes a crisis. When we prepare, it becomes part of the plan, part of the club night, and it shows the new clubbers that they are welcome, and not an afterthought.
Very few people know this, but when I became a commander for the very first time over 20 years ago, I almost quit during my first year. It was difficult and I was going to be “one and done”. But I persevered.
When we are being effective reaching children with the Gospel of Christ so they can come to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ, there is an enemy that seeks to destroy us. Stay focused on Him and why we do what we are doing. My prayer is that if you are a new AMD that you will persevere as you reach children for Him. If you are a seasoned AMD, that you will lead faithfully drawing your leaders and clubbers closer to Him.
I am looking forward to what God will do in this new season of ministry for me. I hope that you are looking forward to what He will do through your ministry this year as well.
Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to God through this program. Serving as your leader for three years was amazing and you gave me the confidence to step out as a director in T&T. I pray that you have an awesome Awana year as kids lives are transformed through the Gospel.
Thank you for these words of encouragement! Much needed 🤗