The Awana Ministry Director (formerly known as Commander) is the one in the local church who is most impacted by Awana. They are the voice for the ministry on the local level and so when there are issues with Awana, they are the ones addressing the church leadership and families. How an Awana Ministry Director responds to any issues can have a great impact, positive or negative, in the local church and club.
As we pray for Awana today, pray for the local Awana Ministry Director that they may have understanding and wisdom as they work with church leadership, families, and Awana. May they be wise with decisions that they make for their local club. Pray that they can network with others serving in similar roles in Awana. Pray for their families, because being an Awana Ministry Director can be time consuming and can take time from their families. Pray for protection from spiritual attacks for them and their families.